Florida is 3rd in the U.S. for Human Trafficking
Human trafficking, a form of modern day slavery, is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, labor or services induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. https://www.justice.gov/humantrafficking
Any minor used in a commercial sex act is a victim of trafficking.
There is no such thing as "child prostitution".
Human trafficking is classified in three categories:
Sex-Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and Organ Trafficking.
Today global slavery is a multi-billion-dollar criminal industry that denies freedom to 49.6 million people around the world (more than double from a decade ago).
No matter where you live, even here in Brevard County, it's happening. In your schools, in your neighborhoods, in your communities...human trafficking is hidden in plain sight.

Clearing The Path
Florida Statute allows a victim to petition the court for an expunction of a criminal history record resulting from the arrest or charges associated with crimes committed while the person was a victim of human trafficking. §943.0583(3), F.S. ANEW Life International works with a team of trusted attorneys who assist survivors with that process. From Brevard County and beyond, we help to ensure that once expunged, the record(s) can no longer be found. Our team utilizes and employs extensive measures to help those coming out of "the life" to feel safe and valued as they begin and continue through their recovery process.
CRAs and Consumers
What's on your criminal record? Looking for a job or a new home?
Do you need to correct something or obtain a judicial clearance?
We can help!
Did you know that you can have your criminal records BLOCKED from showing up on a background report if you are a survivor of Human Trafficking? We come alongside YOU, the Consumer, (as well as CRAs to help their applicants) check, correct, clear, block, and/or monitor your criminal record history.
We Need Your Help
The United States is 3rd in the world for human-trafficking, Florida is #3 in the country and Brevard County is a part of the "Central Region", listed as the top area within the state of Florida for reports of human trafficking. Yes, it's right here at home. With your help, we can help reduce vulnerability, supply, demand, and recidivism. Together, we can help keep our children safe from exploitation, and give survivors a safer path to freedom and the fresh start they deserve.
Click the button below to DONATE.
Thank you in advance!
Has ONLINE Exploitation Increased?
DON'T BE FOOLED! Contrary to what some folks in leadership, and "statistics" are saying, exploitation, abuse and recidivism INCREASED in Brevard County, the state of Florida and across the nation due to the Covid-19 lock-down. There was less visibility and accountability, and critical resources were less available for vulnerable populations. There were approximately 2000 reports filed with Florida's DCF in 2020 (a dramatic increase from 2019).
Our kids are being approached online DAILY, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Awareness and education are critical! Please consider having us speak at your next event and/or attend one of our upcoming trainings. We are a recognized and trusted resource here in Brevard County and are dedicated to serving you and this community.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and don't hesitate to contact us if you or your kids have questions or need assistance!
THANK YOU for being a part of the solution!
Together, we can make a difference...
They Need You...
The time for action is NOW. Survivors need a clean slate to start again.
They were victims of human trafficking, many forced to do things they wouldn't have otherwise done, and their convictions were not deserved.
Every child that uses social media, a mobile app or an online video game is potentially being targeted and monitored for vulnerability. Children in the social services system, runaways and the homeless are being targeted. AWARENESS is the first step. Talk to your kids;
know what they're doing on their phones and the internet, and let them know they are deeply loved and valued.
YOU CAN HELP save a life, and truly make a way for a survivor's fresh start. Please give as you can through prayer, volunteering and/or financial support. For less than $1.00 a day,
we can make a difference in Brevard County and beyond...together. Whether it's a one-time gift or monthly support, please consider donating today*. Any amount helps.
THANK YOU in advance!
Zelle: info@ANEWinternational.org
Venmo: @ANEW-Life
or click the "DONATE" button to give securely through PayPal
Make checks payable to:
ANEW Life International, Inc
870 N Miramar Ave, #823
Indialantic, FL 32903
*ANEW is a registered 501(c)(3) organization;
a tax deductible receipt will be provided upon request